Saturday, May 2, 2020

Video Lectures On HECP

CONCEPT OF HEALTH -Please click on me.

NUTRITION AND HEALTH - Please Click on me.


FIRST AID - Please click on me

ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH - Please click on me


COMMUNICABLE DISEASES - Please click on me


EPIDEMIOLOGY - Please click on me

Thursday, April 16, 2020

PPT Presentation Pharmacognosy

PPT Presentation HECP

 Power Point Presentation (HECP)

  1. Concept of Health - Please click on me

  2. Nutrition And Health - Please Click on me

  3. Demography and Family planning - Please click on me

  4. First Aid - Please click on me

  5. Environment and Health - Please click on me

  6. Fundamental Principles of Microbiology - Please click on me

  7. Communicable Diseases  - Please click on me

  8. Non-Communicable Diseases -Please click on me

  9. Epidemiology - Please click on me

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Video lecture on Pharmacognosy


It contains the Definition and crude drugs, shark liver oil and amla.

Please go through the video

Antiseptics and Disinfectants
Surgical dressings and Ligatures and Sutures. --> Please go through the video

Natural Fibres --> Please go through the  video

Insecticidal Crude Drugs --> Please go through the video

Antileprotics -->Please go through the link

Enzymes-->Please go through the link

Antimalarial -->Please go through the video

Diuretics -->Please go through the link

Miscellaneous drugs
Astringents-->Please go through the video

Antidysentrics-->Please go through the video

Antihypertensives --> Please go through the video

Perfumes and Flavouring agents --> Please go through the video

Anticancer--> Please go through the link

Antirheumatic drugs
Laxatives --> Please go through the video
Carminatives & GI Regulators 
Drugs Acting on Nervous System
Please subscribe to my channel to get more updates.
Thank you.

Friday, April 3, 2020


Health Education & Community Pharmacy

Questions For First Sessional Examination

01. Define – Health , Disease , Physical Health , Social Health , Mental Health , Health   
      Education , Community Pharmacy , Balanced Diet , Nutrition , Contraceptive , Family    
      Planning , Demography .
02.Enumerate various Indicators of health.
03.Enumerate determinants of health.
04.Discuss the Role of Pharmacists in Community.
05.Write sources , functions and deficiency diseases of Vitamin – A
06.Name the deficiency diseases of – Vit. D , Vit. B , Iodine , Protein , Vit. A , Iron , Calcium.
07.Name the Vitamins given in treatment of – Bleeding disorder , Keratomalcia ,  
      Megaloblastic  Anemia , Rickets , Night blindness , Scurvy , Pellagra , Beri-beri ,
      Hypoprothrombinaemia , Sterility .
08.What are Proteins ? Explain Sources & deficiency disorders of Proteins.
09.What is meant by PEM ? Give its causes and Write about Kwashiorkor and Marasmus .
10.Classify Vitamins and Write sources of Vitamin C .
11.State the inorganic elements / minerals related to following – Hemoglobin , Contraction of
      muscles , Development of bone , Enlargement of Thyroid , Goiter , Osteomalcia .
12.Define Demography . Explain Demographic cycle .
13.Define Fertility . Write about factors affecting fertility .
14.What is Family Planning . Classify the methods of family planning .
15.Describe any three IUCDs used by female for contraception .
16.Classify Hormonal contraceptives . Give two advantages and two disadvantages of it .
17.Write Role of Pharmacists in promoting family welfare / planning .
18.Give one example of Permanent method of Male sterilization , Explain.
19.Explain the physical methods of Contraceptions .
20.Give advantages and disadvantages of Condom and IUCDs .

Questions For Second Sessional Examination

01.Give the emergency treatment for Shock.
02.Write prevention and Control of coronary heart diseases.
03.Draw a well labeled diagram of bacterial cell and Describe.
04.Name any two fungal infections.
05.Name different sources of water.
06.Write causes of Air pollution.
07.Draw flow diagram of rapid sand filter.
08.Define following – Incinerator , Noise , stain , Microbiology , Colony , Mixed Culture , 
      Differential staining , First Aid .
09.Write the elements of Minor surgery and Dressings.
10.Write First aid treatment given in Snake bite.
11.Classify bacteria depending upon their shape.
12.Define Staining & Explain acid fast staining.
13.Define noise & state ill-effects of noise.
14.Discuss the design & Mechanism of Septic tank.
15.What are major sources of water pollution ? How water pollution can be prevented.
16.Name the methods of large scale purification of water. And explain slow sand filtration.
17.What is artificial respiration ? Explain “Kiss of life” (mouth to mouth respiration)
18.What is Fracture ? Describe types of  And first aid given for fracture.
19.What is Sewage ? What are aims of sewage treatment.
20.Explain Gram staining technique and their importance.
21.What are effects of Air pollution on health. Name two methods of controlling.
22.Describe emergency treatment of burns.
23.What are Zoonotic diseases. Give examples & Controlling measures.
24.Explain sources of Water.
25.Explain Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
26.Describe methods of Isolation of pure culture.
27.What are advantages and disadvantages of Light.
28.Enlist different methods of Isolation of bacteria , Explain any one.
29.Describe various methods of small scale purification of water.
30.Discuss details of Noise pollution.
31.Name various methods of solid waste disposal , Explain any one.
32.Describe structure of Virus with the help of labeled diagram.
33.Explain Back pressure Arm lift method.
34.Define First aid .What is scope and objectives.
35.Name any four diseases transmitted by rodents. Explain in brief how to control rodents.
36.Write a note on Gram staining method.
37.Write a note on Food Poisoning.

Questions For Third Sessional Examination

01.Write mode of transmission of  a) Rabbis , b) Tetanus .
02.Write causative agents , symptoms , prevention and control of –
      a) Tuberculosis , b) Poliomyelitis , c) Hepatitis , d) Malaria , e) Trachoma , f)  
        AIDS , g) Leprosy , h) Cholera , i) TB , j) Influenza , k) Plague .
03.Give causative agents of following –
      a) AIDS , b) Plague , c) Typhoid , d) Chicken Pox , e) Measles , f) Rabies .
04.State the full form of following abbreviations  –  
      a) WHO , b) DPT , c) BCG , d) STD ,e) HIV , f) TT , i) RNA , j) IUD , k) ORS , l) MMR
05.Name the disease caused by –
     a) Plasmodium  vivax , b) Treponema Pallidium , c) Chlamydia trachomatis , d)
         Bordetella pertusis .
06.Compare Communicable & Non-communicable diseases giving examples .
07.Name two air borne and two water borne diseases .
08.Define the term “ Communicable diseases “ Classify different types of
      communicable diseases with   examples.
09.Name the causative agents of Tuberculosis . Give its mode of transmission ,  
      Symptoms , & Preventive  measures to be adopted .
10.Write the causative agents , symptoms , mode of transmission & Prevention of     
      Rabies .
11.Define the term STDs. Give examples , Discuss prevention of STDs .
12.Tabulate following communicable diseases by giving causative agents , mode  
       of transmission –
     a) Tuberculosis , b) Diphtheria , c) Chicken Pox , d) Gonorrhea , e) Hepatitis – A ,  
     f) Typhoid fever , g) Malaria , h) Cholera , i) Hookworm infection .
13.Name the Arthropod  transmitting following diseases –
     a) Plague , b) Kala-Azar , c) Cholera , d) Malaria
14.Define Blindness. Write causes , Prevention & Control of blindness .
15.Define Hypertension . Write causes , prevention & Control of hypertension.
16.Define Cancer . Write causes , prevention & Control of cancer.
17.Give examples of Non – Communicable diseases.
18.Compare Communicable and Non -communicable diseases giving examples .
19.Name the Causative factors of Cancer .
20.What is Diabetes mellitus ? give causative factors , Types & Measures for
      prevention  / care of  diabetes.
21.What are non-communicable diseases . Give three causes of non-
      communicable diseases .
22.Compare Benign cancer & Malignant cancer .
23.Write Prevention & Control of Coronary heart diseases .
24.Write Causative factors , prevention , care & Control of Diabetes mellitus.
25.Define Immunity . Discuss its types .
26.Define the term – a) Incubation period , b) Epidemiology , c) Antiseptic , d)
      Immunity , e) Epidemic . f) Infection , g) Host , h) agent , i) Intervention , j)  
     disease , k) Case & carrier .
27.What are hospital acquired infections ? Write prevention & control of hospital
      acquired infections .
28.Write disinfection procedure for –
     a) Dead bodies , b) Faeces & urine , c) Room , d) Sputum .
29.Define the term Vaccine . Write “ National Immunisation schedule .“
30.What do you know about the following – a) Reservoir , b) Antibody .
31.What are noscomial infection ? Describe prevention and control of it .
32.Discuss the type of disinfectants with examples .
33.Write a note on “ Cold chain storage of the vaccines “
34.Give example of – a) Immunizing agents , b) Chemical disinfectants .
35.Define – Sterilization , Antiseptic  & Disinfection .
36.What is epidemiology ? Enlist and Explain different types of epidemiological
      methods .
37.What do you know about – a) Concurrent disinfection ,b) Terminal
38.Classify Immunizing agents .
39.Define Immunization . Write about national immunization Schedule .




01.Define 'crude drug'.Give various sources of crude drug with examples.
02.Differentiate between Drug & Crude drug.
03.Who is known as father of medicine ?
05.Define Technical product. Write any six applications of Technical product.
06.Describe in short History of Pharmacognosy.
07.What is Paparyusebers ?
08.Write a note on Galanical pharmacy / Extrction pharmacy.
09.What do you mean by Charaksamhita&Shusrutasamhita ?
10.Define& Classify Pharmaceutical aids with examples.
11.Define Drug according to D & C Act 1940.
12.Name the indian systems of medicine. Write a note on any one of them.
13.What is Siddha system of medicine ?
14.What is Naturopathy & Yoga ?
15.Who invented the term Pharmacognosy ? What is Analectapharmacognostica ?
16.Differentiate between Organised&Unorganised crude drugs.
17.Name the various methods of classification of crude drugs.
Which method is adopted by I.P.
18.Which method of classification of crude drugs is useful for practical study ? Why ?
19.Write merits and demerits of Alphabetical classification.
20.Which is recent apporach towards classification of crude drugs ? Why ?
21.Write a note on Chemical & Pharmacological classification.
22.List out systematic scheme for study of pharmacognostic crude drugs.
23.What do you mean by synonyms of a crude drugs ?
24.Write a note on Biological source of crude drug.
25.What is Garbeling ?
26.Differentiate between Substitutes &Adultrants.
27.Write a note on cultivation & collection of crude drugs.
28.Differentiate between Pharmacological use & Pharmaceutical use of crude drug.
29.Write a note on Packageing / Storage of crude drugs.
30.DefineAdultration.How& When it occurs ? Explain different methods of adultration with
examples of drugs.
31.What is crude drug evulation.List out various evulation methods.
32.What do you mean by Organoleptic evulation of crude drugs ?
33.HowMicroscopicalevulation is performed ?
34.Name the Physical methods of evulation.
35.Write a note on Chemical evulation .
36.What is Bioassay ? Explain.
37.Why total ash content is useful in evulation of crude drug ?
38.DefineAlkaloids.Classify them with examples.
39.Explain General chemical tests for Alkaloids.
40.Define& Classify Glycosides with examples.
41.Write General C.T. for Glycosides.
42.Explain Linkage classification of Glycosides.
43.Write a note on Cardiac glycosides &Anthraquinone glycosides.
44.Define& Classify Tannins.
45.Write General C.T. and uses of Tannins.
46.Explain - Goldbeaters skin test , Keller Killani test &Borntraggers test.
47.Differentiate between Borntraggers test & Modified borntraggers test.
48.Define with examples. - Purgative,Laxative,Cardiotonic,Carminative,Astringent.
49.How C-23 glycosides are tested chemically ?
50.Define Volatile oils. & Give their Uses / applications.
51.What are fixed oils , Waxes , and Volatile oils chemically ?
52.Define& Classify resins with examples.
53.Define Balsams with examples.
54.Differentiate between Gums &Mucilages.
55.Define with examples. - Juice , Latex , Extracts.
56.Define Bark . Write a note on shapes in the barks.
57.What is Fracture in the Bark ? Explain different fractures in bark with diagram.
58. Differentiate between leaf &Leaflet .
59.WhyStomatas are diagnostic structures of leaf , Explain.
60.Explain Isolation methods of - Resins , Tannins , Volatile oils , Alkaloids , Glycosides.


01 .Define following terms with examples of crude drugs -
      Cardio tonics , Purgative , Astringent , Laxative , Cathartic , Cumulative effect , Anti-tussive           
      Antirheumatics , Carminative , Antihypertensive , Leprotics , Diuretics , Antidiabetics , 
      Aphrodiacs , Diaphoretics.
02.Name the crude drugs having following synonyms -
      Puncture vine , Hog weed , Indian Kino tree , Periwinkle , Gynocardia oil , Autumn crocus 
      corm , Scented Bedelliun , Holy Basil , Adhatoda , Korpad , Lakadi revendchini , Fox-glove 
      leaves , Mire , Sonth , Devils drug , Kalmidalchini , Nux-moschata , Lavang , Hiren , Bishops
      weed , Khadir , Henbane , Girbuti , Bachang , Withania root , Ma-haung , Afim , Siddhi , 
      Crow-figs , Chhota chand.
03.Write biological source for following crude drugs -
      Castor oil , Rhubarb , Arjuna , Ajowan , Cardamon , Black pepper , Asafoetida , Nutmeg ,  
      Pale catechu , Aconite , Cannabis , Ephedra , Asgandh , Vasaka , Tulsi , Guggual , Vinca ,
      Chaulmogra oil , Gymnema , Punarnava , Petrocarpus , Gokhru.
04.Give family for following crude drugs -
      Gokhru , Punarnava , Gymnema , Chaulmogra oil , Vinca , Guggual , Vasaka , Tulsi ,
      Nuxvomica , Aconite , Pale catechu , Nutmeg , Clove , Cinnamon , Black pepper , Digitalis ,
      Rhubarb , Castor oil , Isapghula.
05.Give important diagnostic characters of following -
      Castor oil , Isapghulla , Coriander , Cardamon , Asafoetida , Arjuna , Digitalis , Nutmeg ,  
      Clove  Datura , Aconite , Ephedra , Nuxvomica , Tolu balsam , Chaulmogra oil , Gymnema ,    
06.Draw a well labeled histological diagram ( T.S.) of following - Datura , Fennel , Cinnamon ,
      Coriander , Ginger , Clove , Nuxvomica , Ipecac , Cinchona , Senna. 
07.Write in detail Geology along with cultivation collection for following crude drugs - 
      Rauwolfia , Senna , Digitalis , Opium.
08.Name the crude drugs containing following chemical constituents -
      Barbaloin , Chrysopanol , Vit.-C , Vit. - F , Pentason , Aldobionic acid , Kempherol , Gitin ,
      Verodoxin , Odoroside H , Betasitosterol , Eugenol , Eucalyptol , Piperine , D-Linalol , Dill-
      apiole , Anethole , Shagaol , Umbelliferone , Mannitol , Elemicin , Saffrol , Amylodextrin ,
      Thymol , Qurecetin , Chlorophyll , Scopalamine , Scopoletin , Neoline , Withaferine A ,
      Ephedrine , Heroin , Codeine , Tetrahydrocannabinol , Alpha colubrine , Yohimbine ,
      Vasicine,  vanillin , Styrol , Cinnamein , Colchicine , Grolic acid , Vincristine , Pentriactone ,
      Ptyline ,  Kinoin , Harmine , Punarnavine ,Ursolic acid.
09.Write C.T. for following -
      Balsam of tolu , Colchicum , Rauwolfia , Nuxvomica , Cannabis , Opium , Tropane alkaloids  
      Black & Pale catechu , Clove , Cinnamon , Asafoetida , Ginger , Arjuna , Digitalis , Senna ,
      Isapghula , Castor oil , Aloe.

10.Which crude drugs are used in following disorders -
      Jaundice , Gout , Painful micturation , Enlargement of spleen , Dysurea , Diabetis mellitus , 
      Dental analgesic , Intestinal antiseptic , Leukemia , Hodgkins disease , T.B. , Leprosy ,
      Polyploidy , Rheumatism , Cancer , Aphrodiasics , Hypolipidemic , Hypochlostermic ,
      Insecticidal , Asthema , Whooping cough , Tranqulizer , Dog poison , Narcotic ,
      Diaphoretics ,  Sciatica , Antispasmodics , Sore throat , Intestinal flatulance , Styptic ,
      Febrifuge , Hairgrowth stimulator.
11.Name the substitutes & adultrants for following -
      Digitalis , Senna , Isapghula , Nuxvomica , Cinnamon , Nutmeg , Rauwolfia , Balsam of tolu.
12.Write substitutes for following -
      Rhubarb , Caraway , Cardamon , Black pepper , Coriander , Dill , Aconite , Asgand , Guggual      
      Colchicum seed , Chaulmogra oil , Gymnema.
13.Write adultrants for following -
      Clove , Arjuna , Fennel , Belladona.
14.Why Opium is not adultrated ?
15.How pungency of Ginger is destroyed ?
16.Write about Dovers powder.
17.What are Aloins ?
18.How different aloes are tested chemically ?
19.What is Vitalli morein reaction ?
20.How folloeing are tested chemically -
      Eugenol , Strychnine , Brucine , Colchicine , Digitoxose , Mucilage , Tropane alkaloids ,
      Anthraquinone glycosides , Chlorophyll , Umbelliferone , Cinnamic acid ,Benzoic acid ,
      Meconic acid.
21.Why Indian dill is not suitable for human use ?
22.What is Gambier flourocin test ?
23.What do you know about Klunges test ?
24.What is Banda soap ?
25.Which part is used as a drug in case of following -
      Pertocarpus , Gymnema , Punarnava , Gokhru , Guggual , Vasaka , Tulsi , Cannabis , Opium 
      Aconite , Black catechu , Nutmeg , Clove , Black pepper , Cardamon , Ajowan , Arjuna ,
     Aloe , Rhubarb , Isapghula , Senna.
26.List out crude drugs containing -
      Indole alkaloids , Anthraquinone glycosides , Cardiac glycosides , Volatile oils , Fixed oils ,
      Tropane alkaloids , Isoquinoline alkaloids.
27.Write chemical constituents of -
      Opium , Digitalis ,Nuxvomica , Cinchona , Benzoin , Tolu balsam , Aconite.


01.Write Diagnostic characters / Morphological characters / Organoleptic characters of
      following crude drugs -
      Garlic , Pyrethrum , Tobacco , Benzoin , Sandal wood , Ergot , Tragacanth , Agar , Lanolin ,
      Glycyrrhiza , Gelatin .
02.Write biological source for following crude drugs -
      Myrrh , Neem , Benzoin , Ergot , Amla , Papaya , Sandal wood , Olive oil , Lemon grass oil ,
      Lanolin , Tragacanth , Guar gum , Garlic , Tobacco , Pyrethrum , Picrorrhiza , Gelatin , Cotton.
03.Name the crude drugs containing following chemical constituents -
      Bassorin , Glutin , Cerolin , Emetine , Cholesterol , Psychotrine , Vit.-A , Vit.-D , Vit.-C , Vit.-E
      Chitin , Meliacin , Margosine , Santalol , Citral , Guran , Araebin , Amylose , Agarose ,
      Kutkoside , Keratin , Fibrion , Cellulose , Hesperidin .
04.Write family for following -
      Sodium alginate , Garlic , Shankhpusphi , Linseed , Picrorrhiza , Lanolin , Agar , Olive oil ,
      Ghatti gum , Karaya gum , Honey , Lemon grass oil , Sandal wood , Amla , Ergot , Myrrh ,
      Neem , Benzoin , Ipecac , Shatavari , Wool , Silk .     
05.Which part is used as a drug in case of following -
      Ergot , Amla , Sandal wood , Guar gum , Pyrethrum , Garlic , Tobacco , Curcuma , Papaya ,
      Olive oil , Lanolin , Liquorice , Dioscorea , Cotton , Silk , Wool .
06.Which crude drug belongs to following synonyms -
      Kutki , Lasun , Yam , Justmadh , China clay , Lanolin , Argad , Chandan , Jaggawar gum / Gum
      floor , Koynel , Loban /Ood , Indian saffron , Bol , Mel , Men , Amylum.
07.Which crude drug is used in case of following conditions -
      Eczema , Psoriasis , Diarrhoea , Dysentry , Plasma substitute , Culture media , Mfg. of
      capsule , Addisions disease , Mosquito repellent coils , Jaundice , Paints & Warnish industry ,
      Ranikhet disease , Atherosclerosis , Synthesis of sex hormone , Galactogogue , Antioxytocics,
      Oxytocic , Iodine poisoning , Halogen poisoning , Alkaloidal poisoning , Food poisoning ,
      Synthesis of Vit.-A , Dysurea , T.B. of urinary bladder , Episiotomy , Dyspepsia ,
      Chavanprasha,   Anti-xerophthalmic factor , Antimalerial , Diaphoretics , Emetic ,Migrane ,
      Aphrodiasic , Surgical dressings , Sutures.
08.List out Enzyme containing crude drugs along with name of enzymes.
09.Differentiate between following terms -
      Perfumes & Flavours , Anticeptics & Disinfectants , Dysentry & Diarrhoea , Plant fibre &
      Animal fibre , Ligatures & Sutures.
10.Define Oxytocics with examples of crude drugs.
11.Write a note on Antimalerials .
12.Which are the different conditions of dysentry ? How they occurs ?
13.Name the adultrants for-   Honey , Arachis oil , Bees wax , Gum acacia.
14.Name the substitutes for - Starch , Tragacanth , Cinchona , Gum acacia .
15.Give details of geology , cultivation , collection of ergot along with its life cycle.
16.What is Fiehs test ? OR How adultration of honey is detected ?
17.What is Halpins test / Baudins test ? OR How adultration of Arachis oil is detected ?
18.How following are tested chemically ?
      Emetine , Cholesterol , Vit.-A , Chitosan , Sclerethrin , Oxydase , Wrgotoxin , Aleumina.
19.Write chemical test for -
      Turmerric , Benzoin , Cinchona , Gum acacia , Starch , Gelatin , Liquorice , Silk , Wool ,
20.Which is toxic substance present in raw arachis oil ?
21.Why shark liver oil is not used as substitute for cod liver oil ?
22.Give in detail chemical constituents of -
      Ergot , Pyrethrum , Cinchona , Curcuma , Liquorice .
23.Name the glycosides present in -
      Linseed , Ipecac , Cinchona , Glycyrrhiza , Picrorrhiza , Bitter orange peel.
24.Define & Classify Surgical dressings .
25.Define Ligatures & Sutures . Which are their ideal properties / requirements .
26.List out materials from which Ligatures & Sutures are prepared . Classify them .
27.Write the functions & requirements of surgical dressings as per I.P.
28.How absorbant cotton is prepared from raw cotton ?
29.Explain method of preparation of Silk & Wool.
30.List out the Insecticidal drugs you have studied .