Saturday, April 4, 2020

Video lecture on Pharmacognosy


It contains the Definition and crude drugs, shark liver oil and amla.

Please go through the video

Antiseptics and Disinfectants
Surgical dressings and Ligatures and Sutures. --> Please go through the video

Natural Fibres --> Please go through the  video

Insecticidal Crude Drugs --> Please go through the video

Antileprotics -->Please go through the link

Enzymes-->Please go through the link

Antimalarial -->Please go through the video

Diuretics -->Please go through the link

Miscellaneous drugs
Astringents-->Please go through the video

Antidysentrics-->Please go through the video

Antihypertensives --> Please go through the video

Perfumes and Flavouring agents --> Please go through the video

Anticancer--> Please go through the link

Antirheumatic drugs
Laxatives --> Please go through the video
Carminatives & GI Regulators 
Drugs Acting on Nervous System
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