Friday, April 3, 2020




01.Define 'crude drug'.Give various sources of crude drug with examples.
02.Differentiate between Drug & Crude drug.
03.Who is known as father of medicine ?
05.Define Technical product. Write any six applications of Technical product.
06.Describe in short History of Pharmacognosy.
07.What is Paparyusebers ?
08.Write a note on Galanical pharmacy / Extrction pharmacy.
09.What do you mean by Charaksamhita&Shusrutasamhita ?
10.Define& Classify Pharmaceutical aids with examples.
11.Define Drug according to D & C Act 1940.
12.Name the indian systems of medicine. Write a note on any one of them.
13.What is Siddha system of medicine ?
14.What is Naturopathy & Yoga ?
15.Who invented the term Pharmacognosy ? What is Analectapharmacognostica ?
16.Differentiate between Organised&Unorganised crude drugs.
17.Name the various methods of classification of crude drugs.
Which method is adopted by I.P.
18.Which method of classification of crude drugs is useful for practical study ? Why ?
19.Write merits and demerits of Alphabetical classification.
20.Which is recent apporach towards classification of crude drugs ? Why ?
21.Write a note on Chemical & Pharmacological classification.
22.List out systematic scheme for study of pharmacognostic crude drugs.
23.What do you mean by synonyms of a crude drugs ?
24.Write a note on Biological source of crude drug.
25.What is Garbeling ?
26.Differentiate between Substitutes &Adultrants.
27.Write a note on cultivation & collection of crude drugs.
28.Differentiate between Pharmacological use & Pharmaceutical use of crude drug.
29.Write a note on Packageing / Storage of crude drugs.
30.DefineAdultration.How& When it occurs ? Explain different methods of adultration with
examples of drugs.
31.What is crude drug evulation.List out various evulation methods.
32.What do you mean by Organoleptic evulation of crude drugs ?
33.HowMicroscopicalevulation is performed ?
34.Name the Physical methods of evulation.
35.Write a note on Chemical evulation .
36.What is Bioassay ? Explain.
37.Why total ash content is useful in evulation of crude drug ?
38.DefineAlkaloids.Classify them with examples.
39.Explain General chemical tests for Alkaloids.
40.Define& Classify Glycosides with examples.
41.Write General C.T. for Glycosides.
42.Explain Linkage classification of Glycosides.
43.Write a note on Cardiac glycosides &Anthraquinone glycosides.
44.Define& Classify Tannins.
45.Write General C.T. and uses of Tannins.
46.Explain - Goldbeaters skin test , Keller Killani test &Borntraggers test.
47.Differentiate between Borntraggers test & Modified borntraggers test.
48.Define with examples. - Purgative,Laxative,Cardiotonic,Carminative,Astringent.
49.How C-23 glycosides are tested chemically ?
50.Define Volatile oils. & Give their Uses / applications.
51.What are fixed oils , Waxes , and Volatile oils chemically ?
52.Define& Classify resins with examples.
53.Define Balsams with examples.
54.Differentiate between Gums &Mucilages.
55.Define with examples. - Juice , Latex , Extracts.
56.Define Bark . Write a note on shapes in the barks.
57.What is Fracture in the Bark ? Explain different fractures in bark with diagram.
58. Differentiate between leaf &Leaflet .
59.WhyStomatas are diagnostic structures of leaf , Explain.
60.Explain Isolation methods of - Resins , Tannins , Volatile oils , Alkaloids , Glycosides.


01 .Define following terms with examples of crude drugs -
      Cardio tonics , Purgative , Astringent , Laxative , Cathartic , Cumulative effect , Anti-tussive           
      Antirheumatics , Carminative , Antihypertensive , Leprotics , Diuretics , Antidiabetics , 
      Aphrodiacs , Diaphoretics.
02.Name the crude drugs having following synonyms -
      Puncture vine , Hog weed , Indian Kino tree , Periwinkle , Gynocardia oil , Autumn crocus 
      corm , Scented Bedelliun , Holy Basil , Adhatoda , Korpad , Lakadi revendchini , Fox-glove 
      leaves , Mire , Sonth , Devils drug , Kalmidalchini , Nux-moschata , Lavang , Hiren , Bishops
      weed , Khadir , Henbane , Girbuti , Bachang , Withania root , Ma-haung , Afim , Siddhi , 
      Crow-figs , Chhota chand.
03.Write biological source for following crude drugs -
      Castor oil , Rhubarb , Arjuna , Ajowan , Cardamon , Black pepper , Asafoetida , Nutmeg ,  
      Pale catechu , Aconite , Cannabis , Ephedra , Asgandh , Vasaka , Tulsi , Guggual , Vinca ,
      Chaulmogra oil , Gymnema , Punarnava , Petrocarpus , Gokhru.
04.Give family for following crude drugs -
      Gokhru , Punarnava , Gymnema , Chaulmogra oil , Vinca , Guggual , Vasaka , Tulsi ,
      Nuxvomica , Aconite , Pale catechu , Nutmeg , Clove , Cinnamon , Black pepper , Digitalis ,
      Rhubarb , Castor oil , Isapghula.
05.Give important diagnostic characters of following -
      Castor oil , Isapghulla , Coriander , Cardamon , Asafoetida , Arjuna , Digitalis , Nutmeg ,  
      Clove  Datura , Aconite , Ephedra , Nuxvomica , Tolu balsam , Chaulmogra oil , Gymnema ,    
06.Draw a well labeled histological diagram ( T.S.) of following - Datura , Fennel , Cinnamon ,
      Coriander , Ginger , Clove , Nuxvomica , Ipecac , Cinchona , Senna. 
07.Write in detail Geology along with cultivation collection for following crude drugs - 
      Rauwolfia , Senna , Digitalis , Opium.
08.Name the crude drugs containing following chemical constituents -
      Barbaloin , Chrysopanol , Vit.-C , Vit. - F , Pentason , Aldobionic acid , Kempherol , Gitin ,
      Verodoxin , Odoroside H , Betasitosterol , Eugenol , Eucalyptol , Piperine , D-Linalol , Dill-
      apiole , Anethole , Shagaol , Umbelliferone , Mannitol , Elemicin , Saffrol , Amylodextrin ,
      Thymol , Qurecetin , Chlorophyll , Scopalamine , Scopoletin , Neoline , Withaferine A ,
      Ephedrine , Heroin , Codeine , Tetrahydrocannabinol , Alpha colubrine , Yohimbine ,
      Vasicine,  vanillin , Styrol , Cinnamein , Colchicine , Grolic acid , Vincristine , Pentriactone ,
      Ptyline ,  Kinoin , Harmine , Punarnavine ,Ursolic acid.
09.Write C.T. for following -
      Balsam of tolu , Colchicum , Rauwolfia , Nuxvomica , Cannabis , Opium , Tropane alkaloids  
      Black & Pale catechu , Clove , Cinnamon , Asafoetida , Ginger , Arjuna , Digitalis , Senna ,
      Isapghula , Castor oil , Aloe.

10.Which crude drugs are used in following disorders -
      Jaundice , Gout , Painful micturation , Enlargement of spleen , Dysurea , Diabetis mellitus , 
      Dental analgesic , Intestinal antiseptic , Leukemia , Hodgkins disease , T.B. , Leprosy ,
      Polyploidy , Rheumatism , Cancer , Aphrodiasics , Hypolipidemic , Hypochlostermic ,
      Insecticidal , Asthema , Whooping cough , Tranqulizer , Dog poison , Narcotic ,
      Diaphoretics ,  Sciatica , Antispasmodics , Sore throat , Intestinal flatulance , Styptic ,
      Febrifuge , Hairgrowth stimulator.
11.Name the substitutes & adultrants for following -
      Digitalis , Senna , Isapghula , Nuxvomica , Cinnamon , Nutmeg , Rauwolfia , Balsam of tolu.
12.Write substitutes for following -
      Rhubarb , Caraway , Cardamon , Black pepper , Coriander , Dill , Aconite , Asgand , Guggual      
      Colchicum seed , Chaulmogra oil , Gymnema.
13.Write adultrants for following -
      Clove , Arjuna , Fennel , Belladona.
14.Why Opium is not adultrated ?
15.How pungency of Ginger is destroyed ?
16.Write about Dovers powder.
17.What are Aloins ?
18.How different aloes are tested chemically ?
19.What is Vitalli morein reaction ?
20.How folloeing are tested chemically -
      Eugenol , Strychnine , Brucine , Colchicine , Digitoxose , Mucilage , Tropane alkaloids ,
      Anthraquinone glycosides , Chlorophyll , Umbelliferone , Cinnamic acid ,Benzoic acid ,
      Meconic acid.
21.Why Indian dill is not suitable for human use ?
22.What is Gambier flourocin test ?
23.What do you know about Klunges test ?
24.What is Banda soap ?
25.Which part is used as a drug in case of following -
      Pertocarpus , Gymnema , Punarnava , Gokhru , Guggual , Vasaka , Tulsi , Cannabis , Opium 
      Aconite , Black catechu , Nutmeg , Clove , Black pepper , Cardamon , Ajowan , Arjuna ,
     Aloe , Rhubarb , Isapghula , Senna.
26.List out crude drugs containing -
      Indole alkaloids , Anthraquinone glycosides , Cardiac glycosides , Volatile oils , Fixed oils ,
      Tropane alkaloids , Isoquinoline alkaloids.
27.Write chemical constituents of -
      Opium , Digitalis ,Nuxvomica , Cinchona , Benzoin , Tolu balsam , Aconite.


01.Write Diagnostic characters / Morphological characters / Organoleptic characters of
      following crude drugs -
      Garlic , Pyrethrum , Tobacco , Benzoin , Sandal wood , Ergot , Tragacanth , Agar , Lanolin ,
      Glycyrrhiza , Gelatin .
02.Write biological source for following crude drugs -
      Myrrh , Neem , Benzoin , Ergot , Amla , Papaya , Sandal wood , Olive oil , Lemon grass oil ,
      Lanolin , Tragacanth , Guar gum , Garlic , Tobacco , Pyrethrum , Picrorrhiza , Gelatin , Cotton.
03.Name the crude drugs containing following chemical constituents -
      Bassorin , Glutin , Cerolin , Emetine , Cholesterol , Psychotrine , Vit.-A , Vit.-D , Vit.-C , Vit.-E
      Chitin , Meliacin , Margosine , Santalol , Citral , Guran , Araebin , Amylose , Agarose ,
      Kutkoside , Keratin , Fibrion , Cellulose , Hesperidin .
04.Write family for following -
      Sodium alginate , Garlic , Shankhpusphi , Linseed , Picrorrhiza , Lanolin , Agar , Olive oil ,
      Ghatti gum , Karaya gum , Honey , Lemon grass oil , Sandal wood , Amla , Ergot , Myrrh ,
      Neem , Benzoin , Ipecac , Shatavari , Wool , Silk .     
05.Which part is used as a drug in case of following -
      Ergot , Amla , Sandal wood , Guar gum , Pyrethrum , Garlic , Tobacco , Curcuma , Papaya ,
      Olive oil , Lanolin , Liquorice , Dioscorea , Cotton , Silk , Wool .
06.Which crude drug belongs to following synonyms -
      Kutki , Lasun , Yam , Justmadh , China clay , Lanolin , Argad , Chandan , Jaggawar gum / Gum
      floor , Koynel , Loban /Ood , Indian saffron , Bol , Mel , Men , Amylum.
07.Which crude drug is used in case of following conditions -
      Eczema , Psoriasis , Diarrhoea , Dysentry , Plasma substitute , Culture media , Mfg. of
      capsule , Addisions disease , Mosquito repellent coils , Jaundice , Paints & Warnish industry ,
      Ranikhet disease , Atherosclerosis , Synthesis of sex hormone , Galactogogue , Antioxytocics,
      Oxytocic , Iodine poisoning , Halogen poisoning , Alkaloidal poisoning , Food poisoning ,
      Synthesis of Vit.-A , Dysurea , T.B. of urinary bladder , Episiotomy , Dyspepsia ,
      Chavanprasha,   Anti-xerophthalmic factor , Antimalerial , Diaphoretics , Emetic ,Migrane ,
      Aphrodiasic , Surgical dressings , Sutures.
08.List out Enzyme containing crude drugs along with name of enzymes.
09.Differentiate between following terms -
      Perfumes & Flavours , Anticeptics & Disinfectants , Dysentry & Diarrhoea , Plant fibre &
      Animal fibre , Ligatures & Sutures.
10.Define Oxytocics with examples of crude drugs.
11.Write a note on Antimalerials .
12.Which are the different conditions of dysentry ? How they occurs ?
13.Name the adultrants for-   Honey , Arachis oil , Bees wax , Gum acacia.
14.Name the substitutes for - Starch , Tragacanth , Cinchona , Gum acacia .
15.Give details of geology , cultivation , collection of ergot along with its life cycle.
16.What is Fiehs test ? OR How adultration of honey is detected ?
17.What is Halpins test / Baudins test ? OR How adultration of Arachis oil is detected ?
18.How following are tested chemically ?
      Emetine , Cholesterol , Vit.-A , Chitosan , Sclerethrin , Oxydase , Wrgotoxin , Aleumina.
19.Write chemical test for -
      Turmerric , Benzoin , Cinchona , Gum acacia , Starch , Gelatin , Liquorice , Silk , Wool ,
20.Which is toxic substance present in raw arachis oil ?
21.Why shark liver oil is not used as substitute for cod liver oil ?
22.Give in detail chemical constituents of -
      Ergot , Pyrethrum , Cinchona , Curcuma , Liquorice .
23.Name the glycosides present in -
      Linseed , Ipecac , Cinchona , Glycyrrhiza , Picrorrhiza , Bitter orange peel.
24.Define & Classify Surgical dressings .
25.Define Ligatures & Sutures . Which are their ideal properties / requirements .
26.List out materials from which Ligatures & Sutures are prepared . Classify them .
27.Write the functions & requirements of surgical dressings as per I.P.
28.How absorbant cotton is prepared from raw cotton ?
29.Explain method of preparation of Silk & Wool.
30.List out the Insecticidal drugs you have studied .


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